What if instead of saying "elevate your mindset" you got so fucking specific that your dream clients will go "damn, that sounds like it's straight out of my journal"?

Have you ever bought a "cash-converting" copy template only to end up still feeling unsure how to write the <INSERT TRANSFORMATION HERE> bit? If you have, keep reading.😉

Here's what "most copywriters" won't tell you about templates:

They don't teach you how to write specific copy that will actually move your soulmate clients (already lurking 👀) to DM you "Link pls!"

You see biz coaches knowing exactly how to articulate their offers but you wonder how you can do the same as someone that doesn't sell $10k months.You know the results you bring to the table are as impactful (maybe even more so) to your client's life.But when you try to put the transformation into words...

You end up word vomiting some fluffly vanilla-whipped copy that gets you you're so inspiring comments instead of can I get more deets about your 1:1 coaching? DMs 🥞

What would you say if I told you that i have just the thing that will give you access to strategically-written copy that sells your “intangible transformation” JUST as easily as those money-centric ones…


You but dripping with headlines, hooks, crossheads and powerful one-liners that make your offer tangible to your "link pls!" soul-aligned clients.

Say buh-bye to...

😔 Using vanilla AF copy like "I help you become your authentic self" which sounds like every other non-biz coach in your niche😔 Working your 🍑 off on that sexy AF new offer that's feeling hella aligned to your human design, only to receive "I'm not sure if this offer is for me" messages😔 Spending the entire afternoon filling out the <insert pain point here> and the <Insert transformation there> for a 300 word caption😔 Yawning whenever you talk about your offer because it feels like you're repeating the same messaging (that's tbh just confusing your audience)😔 Feeling misunderstood because you struggle to articulate the impact of your sensuality healing, mindset, somatic work, breathwork, EFT coaching that you provide. Especially when the shifts you create are more transformations of the soul.

and Cheers to..

🧃Expressing the TRUE transformation of your programs visually AKA in picture words (EVEN IF when they're not financial wins)🧃Getting your audience #obsessed with your launch cos they actually love being sold to (yes those people exist and tbh I'm one of them lol)🧃Singing to your fav Taylor Swift while you write your captions, emails etc coz now you've collapsed time with a bespoke playbook that contains the exact sentences that will activate your lurkers into action takers🧃Hitting publish without second-guessing yourself because now, your copy is infused with the right persuasion triggers, and crystal clear messaging that your audience wants to hear🧃Attracting bestie-level clients that are SOOO fuckin vibey to work with (cos duh, they pre-qualified themselves with your copy)

Plug and Slay fits you better than than your fav pair of Levi's 👖 if:

🤸You love writing your own copy, but the parts that are supposed to be the MOST compelling (like pitching your dang offer) sound basic🤸 You struggle with communicating the intangible transformations of your offer because the results you provide your clients aren’t Voxer screenshots of how much moolah they’ve made🤸 You've worked with clients in the past who had amazing results and left mind blowing testimonials but now you struggle to turn into words that will attract the same kind of client

here's how it's going down:

🧩 Step 1 Brand messaging questionnaire

Your investment starts with me diving into the heartbeat of your offer so that I can capture your unique voice and messaging. The moment you hop your questionnaire I want to feel like I’m listening to you talk about your dream client as if you’re gushing about your crush Drew from 7th grade.

🧩 Step 2 Your custom playbook

You'll get done-for-you lines of copy that speaks to your audience's core challenges, core desires, and transformation. Not to mention, you'll get an entire section of "spicy hooks" that you can easily copy paste and turn into a caption.

🧩 STEP 3 me + your google docs

I want you to be able to fully visualize your playbook in action which is why you'll get 1 week of my direct copy and messaging feedback in your Google docs. This will give you the confidence to need to ensure that you're leveraging your new messaging angles.

Nice to meet you, where you been?

BTW, I'm Colleen

If you've come this far down the sales page, my Swiftie senses tell me that you & I have something in common.We both understand the value and the power that WORDS carry, but maybe hold that thought for a sec...When I first started by biz I admit I was a basic b*tch of a copywriter AKA I was writing fluffy AF copy that were also attracting basic AF clients.I was freakin frustrated wondering, "How come its so EASY for other copywriters to land their dream clients?!". I never admitted this to anyone but I was ready to reactivate my Upwork profile tbh.Until I realized that, it wasn't that I "sucked" or that my packages weren't irresistible...It was that I wasn't making it easy for my dream clients to raise their hand and say "that sounds EXACTLY like me."I was tiptoeing around what they actually needed to hear from me. 👉🏻Specific copy that painted the picture for them.Once I started tweaking, updating, refining my copy with specific words, I've consistently landed high-ticket clients who were ALREADY pre-sold on hiring me EVEN before they ever speak to me.Now, I'm giving you a taste of it with Plug and Slay cos DUH, you deserve dream clients too.😉

your ticket to never second-guessing what to say again.


$1888 PIF or $944* 2

PLaybook for 1 offer


$3888 PIF or $1944 *2

playbook for 3 offersI did the math for ya and you save almost a thousand for PIF 🥵Did I mention you get 2 more Google doc weeks with me as a bonus?

they loved it, and I have a feeling you will too.

I heard you got questions.

1. Why do I need a playbook for each of my offers? Can't I have 1 for all?I'm someone that values transparency cos tbh cramming a bunch of offers into one messaging strategy is setting you up to fail.Each of your offers have UNIQUE client avatars with UNIQUE challenges and desires and for you to be able to actually speak to them you need to get specific AF on your copy.I've intentionally created playbooks for each for my offer so I know exactly WHO I'm talking to when I'm marketing Plug and Slay or my DFY services.2. How long before I get my playbook?If you're getting the 1 offer playbook you'll receive it within 5 business days of submitting your brand messaging questionnaire.However if you're getting the Dos offer, you get it within 2 weeks.3. How does this work?Once you book a Plug and Slay intensive you'll receive a brand messaging questionnaire that you'll need to fill out and share previous testimonials and conversations you've had with leads with me.4. How many posts can I create out of this playbook?It totally depends on your content creation style. But each section will include around 6 sentences which you can use as a starting point for creating posts and emails.5. I'm not sure I plugged the copy into the right sections on my sales page, can you review what I've created?YES, you can upgrade to PAS VIP which entails me reviewing your sales page copy DM me on IG for more deets!6. What if I'm a biz owner that provides TANGIBLE results can I still get a playbook?For sure! I can help you amplify your Voxer screenshots that will help your dream clients visualize what life could look like after working with you.7. Do I get a round of revisions?Revisions are not included in this offer which is why I specifically work with biz owners that know exactly who their offer is for.